Check in on what our authors are writing about this week. Here’s your update below.
How to Fix JavaScript Errors
Even with a good project plan and a concept that makes logical sense, most of our time will be consumed with fixing errors. Moreover, with JavaScript, our application can run without obvious errors preventing it from being run, so we have to employ several techniques to make sure everything is running smoothly. Understanding both the syntax and how JavaScript works will eliminate most of our JavaScript errors in our web applications. Furthermore, there are many online services that can help us catch them all. Find out more from Dan Roche on Stackify’s blog.
What Is the Difference Between Jest and Enzyme?
Today’s web applications are more complicated than ever. Libraries like React have opened up a whole new world of application complexity and functionality. As an experienced developer, you know that it’s important to test every part of your web application. You probably already have a plan for testing your server’s code. That’s great! But it’s just as important that you test your application’s UI, too. That’s why Eric Boersma is here to help you out on Testim’s blog.
What Is Cross-Browser Testing? A Simple, Practical Guide
With time, the internet and the world of web pages evolved. Earlier, people used only Internet Explorer for viewing web pages. But now, there are hundreds of browsers that people use worldwide. The percentage of browser usage share varies. The varied share depends on users’ locations, age groups, and devices used. But guess what came with so many browsers and devices? Browser compatibility issues. And that’s when people understood the need for cross-browser testing. Learn more about cross-browser testing on Testim’s blog.
What does a continuous delivery pipeline look like? Which pieces do we need to have in place for us to achieve true continuous delivery? Kamalika Majumder lays out the anatomy of a continuous delivery pipeline in this post written by Peter Morlion on Sonatype’s blog.
Cross-Functional Teams: What They Are and How to Build One
Do you know what’s common between tech giants like Google, Netflix, Facebook, and Amazon? They’ve all adopted a cross-functional approach. Do you understand why? Every company has people with different skills. However, leveraging these skills isn’t an easy task. Cross-functional teams help in taking full advantage of different skill sets. Not only that, but they also enable better use of resources. And Arnab Chowdhury is here to explain what cross-functional teams are on Plutora’s blog.
What Is a Data Analytics Internal Audit & How to Prepare?
No one wants to deal with a data audit. You haven’t invested so much time into putting everything together just to have someone else come in and start raising questions. Hopefully, an audit will never happen to you. Still, the possibility that an audit could happen tomorrow is there, and this post is about what a data analytics internal audit is and how to prepare for it. Check out Guillermo Salazar’s post on DataOps’ to learn more.
API Testing: A Developer’s Tutorial and Complete Guide
We feel for you, front-end developers. Your toolchain is constantly changing. Is Angular still all the rage? Or is it Vue.js now? JavaScript or TypeScript? Not only that, but you have to create a beautiful and seamless user experience while ensuring the reliability of your app. Your apps also have to talk to remote web services, most of which you might not have any control over. And I’m sure you’ve felt some frustration while integrating with APIs that lack documentation. However, have you thought about testing the APIs you integrate with? No worries, JT Wheeler is here to fill you in on Testim’s blog.
What Is IT Risk Management? A Leader’s Introductory Guide
Do you own or manage a business? Managing a company involves many steps. These steps begin right from the genesis of an idea through its execution. They also involve choosing a development procedure and managing risks. Most software companies these days are adopting the latest project methodologies, like DevOps and agile. After all, you have to keep up with changing trends and implement them in your own life—but you also have to manage the risks associated with information technology (IT) and tackle them to manage your business. So, you’re probably wondering, what is IT risk management? Learn more from Arnab Roy Chowdhury on XPLG’s blog.
The Startup’s Guide to Securing Your Infrastructure
Running tech at a startup is a hard job. If you’re like a lot of startup CTOs, you’re not spending as much time thinking about security as you could. You know that you should do more, but you’re so busy. So, you ignore it, then you feel bad about it. You don’t have to fall into this cycle. Eric Boersma is here to help you out on Sonatype’s blog.
How Many Test Environments Do I Need?
Having a set of test environments properly configured and managed is essential for modern software organizations. Creating and configuring such environments is part of a solid test environment management strategy. Unfortunately, as with many things in software development, this is easier said than done. There are many questions that need answering. For instance: how many test environments do I need? Carlos Schults can fill you in on Test Environment Management’s blog.
What Is Real User Monitoring? How It Works, Examples, Best Practices, and More
We also updated a few posts this week, like this one on user monitoring. Real User Monitoring is a type of performance monitoring that captures and analyzes each transaction by users of a website or application. It’s also known as real user measurement, real user metrics, end-user experience monitoring, or simply RUM. It’s used to gauge user experience, including key metrics like load time and transaction paths, and it’s an important component of application performance management(APM). Take a closer look at RUM, how it differs from other types of monitoring and some best practices for success on Stackify’s blog.
Why Distributed Tracing Will Be so Important in 2020
As we start the year 2020, it’s worth thinking about where our industry is headed. There are many exciting and challenging developments ahead: blockchain scalability, functions as a service, databases as a service—the list goes on. We’re also moving more and more into an increasingly complex, distributed world. This means distributed tracing will become especially important. Distributed tracing was particularly useful in 2019, and that trend will undoubtedly continue in this new year. In today’s post, we explain why that’s so. Find out more on Scalyr’s website.