Got some free time to waste as your Wednesday comes to a close? Why not do so by hearing from our authors in this week’s digest.
Laravel vs. Symfony: PHP Framework Comparison
Choosing a good PHP framework provides the right building blocks to make developing your app a breeze. So if you want to look at two PHP frameworks, Laravel and Symfony, you should check out Sylvia Fronczak’s post on Stackify’s blog.
Top 5 Cloud Metrics
These days, deploying our services to the cloud just makes sense because you’re letting someone else handle your infrastructure costs. But it can also be a little overwhelming deciding how to monitor everything. Luckily, you can hear more about the five helpful cloud metrics from Mark Henke on Enov8’s blog.
DevSecOps: A Complete Guide to What, Why, and How
The “Sec” in DevSecOps can be the Robin to your DevOps Batman—a trusty sidekick providing continuous backup. So if you want to know everything about creating your own DevSecOps methodology, hear more from Mark Robinson on Plutora’s blog.
Operational Visibility Is the Key to Your Competitiveness
With DevOps practices, many companies have improved their CI/CD pipeline and added automated testing and application monitoring to make sure their apps work. Yet, they stop there. But if you want to give your company and products the edge over the competition, check out Sylvia Fronczak’s take on operational visibility on Scalyr’s blog.
DataOps Explained
Lately, companies are treating collections of data as an asset and are developing an appetite to leverage their data so they can compete. But how do you balance speed and quality? DataOps is your answer. To find out more, head over to TEMDOTCOM where Alice Njenga gives you a look at what DataOps is and why it matters.