Seasons may change, but we’re still here to fill you in on our weekly content. So sit down with your pumpkin spice latte and read more from our authors below.
What Is Infrastructure as Code? How It Works, Best Practices, Tutorials
In the past, managing IT infrastructure was a hard job. However, in recent years, things have changed dramatically. Trends like cloud computing revolutionized—and improved—the way organizations design, develop, and maintain their IT infrastructure. One of the critical components of this trend is called “infrastructure as code,” which you can find out about by heading to Stackify’s blog to hear from Carlos Schults.
RED and Monitoring: Three Key Metrics and Why They Matter
Looking at the performance of a new app you manage, you probably wonder what metrics matter most. Maybe you’ve implemented a monitoring tool. Or maybe not. Either way, what should you be monitoring? What metrics are important? Jean Tunis can give you the answers on Scalyr’s blog.
Automated Testing Tools: The 6 You Should Know About
Let’s talk about automated testing tools. Are they valuable? While some people seem to think of them as a mere accessory, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Sure, tools aren’t everything. But finding and employing the best tools available becomes imperative. And that’s what Carlos Schults’s post is all about: helping you on the “finding the best tools” part. Check it out on Testim’s blog.
How to Implement DevOps Practices in Azure
In every delivery pipeline, there are critical practices that you might want to implement when you’re adopting a DevOps culture. For instance, if you’re going to start working with Microsoft’s cloud, it’s going to be critical to know that there’s more than the right-click publish in Visual Studio to deploy applications to Azure. There are a lot of tools and services you can use to deploy applications to Azure. That’s why Christian Meléndez is here to give you a few options that will help you implement essential DevOps practices on ASPE’s blog.
Continuous Deployment: How It Fits in Your Delivery
As a leader within your organization, you’re excited about the possibilities DevOps provides your team. But still, you have concerns about DevOps. You’re starting to see some cracks in the armor of your delivery systems. you can’t help but feel like there’s a better way to handle their work. The good news is that there’s a fix for these kinds of delays. The better news is that they’re fixes that your team can initiate, like continuous deployment. Find out more from Eric Boersma on Plutora’s blog.
5 Security Best Practices for Java
Java originally promised a revolution in programming languages. But Java’s reputation as a more secure language doesn’t mean that all code you write in Java is automatically secure. As a developer, it’s still your job to make sure that you’re shipping secure code. The good news is that by remaining vigilant, you’ll ensure that the state of your Java security is top-of-the-line. That’s why Eric Boersma is here on Sqreen’s blog to lay out five best practices that’ll aid you in making sure your Java code is secure.
Microservices Communication: How to Share Data for Success
We also updated a few posts this week, like this one on microservices communication. For some, the ideal picture of a modern application is a collection of microservices that stand alone. As far as I know, this platonic ideal of a system is rare, if it exists at all. It might seem ideal from an architectural perspective, but clients might not feel that way. But not all hope is lost. Head over to Scalyr’s blog to find out about microservices communications.
SQL Performance Tuning: 7 Practical Tips for Developers
Another we updated was on SQL performance tuning. Being able to execute a SQL performance tuning is a vital skill for software teams that rely on relational databases. Vital isn’t the only adjective that we can apply to it, though. Rare also comes to mind, unfortunately. How do we fix this problem? Simple: we equip developers with the knowledge they need to find slow SQL queries and do performance tuning in SQL Server. Check out Stackify’s blog to learn more.