Fun in the sun

Normally, we’d suggest leaving your electronics inside while you enjoy some vitamin C. But in this case, we know you’ve probably been itching all week to read our latest digest from our authors. So we think you can make an exception for us.

Getting Started Quickly With Flask Logging

Flask is a microframework for building web applications. It’s best known for its simple RESTful request routing. But it also includes a built-in development server, integrated unit tests, and excellent documentation. So perhaps you’re intrigued and want to know more? Well, look no further than Scalyr’s blog where Eric Goebelbecker can fill you in.

Install Ruby on Ubuntu: Everything You Need to Get Going

On Stackify’s blog, Chris Tobolski takes you through the process of how to install Ruby on Ubuntu. Specifically, we’re going to install it on the current LTS (Long-Term Support) version of Ubuntu, 18.04.2. If you’re totally new to this, don’t worry! Chris makes it pretty easy and breaks it down for if you check it out.

Install Ruby on Windows: Everything You Need to Get Going

Once upon a time, installing Ruby on Windows came with problems, but things have come a long way. Today, there’s no reason someone couldn’t write Ruby code on any platform. So if you’d like to look at how to set up a functioning Ruby environment on your Windows computer, Ben Munat can lead you through it on Stackify’s blog.

How Lean and Agile Relate and How You Can Win by Using Both

We often consider lean and agile to be two different methodologies to writing software. However, if we take the principles of lean to heart, we end up creating an agile team as well. In fact, many advanced agile coaches now use ideas and vocabulary from lean when teaching teams. Why is that? Sylvia Fronczak has the answer for you on Plutora’s blog.

Code Documentation: The Complete Beginner’s Guide

Many developers don’t write enough documentation, either because they don’t see the value or because they feel like they don’t have time. You don’t need to be one of those developers. With a little time and a lot of practice, you can add documentation for your code that makes reading it a joy to use for both you and anyone else who comes along. Eric Boersma can tell you more on SubMain’s blog.

OSS for Enterprise: Procure Secure Components Faster & Manage Risk Better

On Sonatype’s blog, Carlos Schults provides some insight into OSS. He can give you the main takeaway from Discover’s lessons about secure components and lowered risk. So if you want to find out about how important it is for software developments to always update their tools and manage their dependencies, check it out.

Tools, Not Rules

Over the past couple of years, American Express has gone through a DevOps journey. This was a transformation that Tim Klever shared at this year’s Nexus User Conference. So if you want to find out about their both failures and successes in automation and tooling, look no further than Sylvia Fronczak’s post on Sonatype’s blog.

Empowering Developers: Security Self Serve and Automated Time-Based Waivers

Tyro is an Australian financial institution that specializes in merchant credit and debit solutions. The company helps its customers improve and grow their businesses. Tyro recently empowered their developers to build more secure software by instituting time-based waivers. Curious about how they made it happen? Justin Reynolds can fill you in on Sonatype’s blog.

Ruby Profiler Types and Why You Need Them

About a decade ago, the Ruby programming language made a big splash in the software engineering industry thanks to the Ruby on Rails web framework. However, there are possible bottlenecks. So if you want to figure out why your code is slow, you’ll need a Ruby profiler. And Ben Munat can provide you with some different types of profiling available and some tools to help you do so on Stackify’s blog.

Building Container Based Pipelines in AWS with BJ’s Wholesale Club

BJ’s Wholesale Club has 217 brick-and-mortar locations spread out across 16 states. The company has more than 5.5 million members and employs more than 25,000 people. Currently, BJ’s is in the middle of digital transformation to deliver exemplary digital experiences to their customers, which requires agile DevOps workflows routed in containers and microservices. Justin Reynolds is here to tell you how they’re making it more convenient to shop at BJ’s on Sonatype’s blog.

Top 5 Tomcat Vulnerabilities

Those who spend time monitoring and patching open source projects will be quite aware that Tomcat has some vulnerabilities. So if you want to find out more about this, Sylvia Fronczak can fill you in on the top five of those vulnerabilities on Sonatype’s blog.

DevOps Table Stakes: The Minimum Amount Required to Play the Game

Ever play poker? Table stakes, or the ante, is the minimum amount to play the game. Erik Dietrich can give you a look at DevOps table stakes—what’s necessary to even come to the table and play the game these days—on Sonatype’s blog.

Publishing Private NPM Packages to Nexus

Before talking about the how with NPM packages, let’s talk about the why. Why publish private NPM packages to Nexus? Well, Erik Dietrich can give you the answers on Sonatype’s blog.

Containers Are Just Another Piece of the Puzzle – Protect Them To Secure Your Business

On Sonatype’s blog, Erik Dietrich also explains how one can tackle tough questions about the journey of containers and how they’re actually just a piece of the puzzle.

OSS Endgame: Nexus Firewall as Your Shield Against Open Source Invasions

To truly understand where a firewall fits in, you first need to understand a bit about the Infinity Gauntlet from Marvel’s The Avengers. So if you’re an Avengers fan, or if you want to figure out this analogy, Erik Dietrich can flesh this out for you on Sonatype’s blog.

Log File Too Big—What Should I Do?

We also updated a post on Scalyr’s blog about log files. Maybe you have a problem. But you don’t just have an ordinary problem. You have one of the most frustrating kinds of problems in the technical world. In the most basic terms, you’re trying to open a log file that’s too big to open. But “log file too big” doesn’t fully capture the frustration or the problem. Want to learn how to solve this? Read more here from Erik Dietrich.

4 Common Datetime Mistakes in C# — And How to Avoid Them

We’re also giving you another look at a post from Carlos Schults on SubMain’s blog. He shows you four common mistakes C#/.NET developers make when dealing with time. And that’s not all. He also shows you what you should do to avoid them and make your code safer and easier to reason about. Curious to find out more?