Colored pencils for back to school

Summer is starting to feel like it’s coming to a close, and school is going to be back in session for those around you really soon. But getting back into the swing of things doesn’t mean you won’t still have time to catch up with us! So here’s what our authors have been up to in this week’s digest.

User Acceptance Testing: What It Is and How to Adopt It

Have you heard of “user acceptance testing?” I’m afraid that for many of you reading this post, the answer will likely be “No.” Unlike other more famous types of testing, UAT is not as a frequent topic of conversation as it should be. So if you’d like to learn more about user acceptance testing, Carlos Schults can fill you in on Plutora’s blog.

MongoDB on Google Cloud: How to Set It Up and Keep It Healthy

For any given task, there are many tools you can use. But few are the right tools. So when it comes to how data is stored, it’s not one-tool-fits-all for every type of data. Luckily though, Samuel James can help you learn about MongoDB on Google cloud, including how to set it up and keep it healthy. Head over to Blue Medora to learn more.

Top 10 Security Traps to Avoid When Migrating From a Monolith to Microservices

Your team is thinking about migrating from a monolithic architecture to microservices. You’re intrigued. What’s more, you know and understand your system now. So here’s an opportunity to learn from people who’ve gone before, and understand their mistakes so you don’t repeat them. Read Eric Boersma’s post on Sqreen’s blog to learn the most common security pitfalls teams fall into when moving to a microservices architecture from a monolithic architecture.

Automated Regression Testing: Everything You Need To Know

Regression testing is a specific form of testing that verifies whether a given piece of software suffered regressions after undergoing changes. Ideally, regression testing—whether automated or not—should be performed every time a software application is changed in some way, whether by receiving a new feature, an improvement, or a bug fix. So if you’d like to learn more, like what automated regression testing means, Carlos Schults can help you out on Testim’s blog.

Logging as a Service: Why the Cloud is so Attractive

Imagine this: You have your services up and running in production. Then you get a call. Something’s broken in production. What’s the first thing you do? Where do you start so you can figure out if your services are in good working order? Logs. They should tell you what’s going right and what’s going wrong. And to review what logs are, why they matter, and most importantly, why you probably need a service to offload the burden of managing those logs, look no further than Erik Lindblom’s post on Scalyr’s blog.

Azure Functions Tutorial: Creating Your First Function

We also updated a post on Scalyr’s blog this week on Azure functions. Azure Functions is the function-as-a-service (FaaS) offering from Azure—the equivalent of AWS Lambda from Amazon. Curious to find out more? Christian Meléndez can catch you up here.