How to: Comprehensive Monitoring for WordPress Sites

There are few website-building solutions on the internet as tested as WordPress. And brands like TechCrunch and The New Yorker wouldn’t be hosted on WordPress if traffic was an issue. But here’s the thing: WordPress is self-managed. As a result, you as an individual or organization using it for your business are responsible for monitoring your WordPress site. And as it turns out, many people don’t know how to do this properly, which leads to the WordPress slander you tend to find here and there. But in this post on Solarwinds Pingdom’s blog, Boris Bambo will clear up any doubts about WordPress and monitoring as we go through a comprehensive and practical rundown of what it takes to properly monitor a site built with WordPress.

Continuous Security Defined and Explained: A Leader’s Guide

The cybersecurity landscape is more dangerous than ever, with cyberattacks increasing at an alarming rate. In fact, research indicates almost every cyberattack category increased in volume last year. And as we pointed out in a recent webinar, data breaches impacted about 281 million people last year alone. As such, many DevOps teams are integrating continuous security strategies to cover their attack surfaces and protect their software and infrastructure from intruders. Check out this post from Justin Reynolds on Plutora’s blog to learn what continuous security means and the benefits that it offers to teams like yours.

Software Development Infrastructure: What and Why

Software development infrastructure refers to the tools, processes, and environments used to create software applications. In general, the term is used interchangeably with “software development platform.”  However, while a platform may provide some infrastructure, it’s not the same as a complete infrastructure solution. Infrastructure solutions typically include everything from the operating system and database to the application server and development tools. When choosing a software development infrastructure, businesses must consider their specific needs and objectives. Learn more from Steven Lohrenz on Nimbus’s blog.

Data Management Best Practices and How They Help Your Team

The buzzwords “big data” have been around for a few years. Simply put, it refers to extremely large amounts of information. As this data grows in quantity, variety, and complexity, it’s vital to manage it appropriately. Doing so lets you preserve its quality and integrity while also facilitating access and discovery. This article from Ibrahim Ogunbiyi on Panoply’s blog will teach you about data management best practices and why you should care about them. Let’s get this party started.

Sand Castles and DevOps at Scale

DevOps used to be most popular at start-ups. After all, it’s easy to introduce processes that break the rules when you had no rules to begin with. But this has left large corporations and bureaucratic organizations to watch DevOps from the sidelines. Now, things have finally changed. If we check the numbers from the 2021 edition of Accelerate: State of DevOps Report, it’s evident that big players in the industry are actively implementing DevOps practices. Could you do this at your organization? When applying DevOps at scale, you’ll face a collection of hurdles. You can look at how to overcome some of them in this post written by Niall Crawford & Carlos “Kami” Maldonado and modified by Eric Goebelbecker on Enov8’s blog.

Test Environment Management Explained

Most companies spend between 45%-55% of their IT budget on non-production activities like  Training, Development & Testing and lose 20-40% of productivity across their software testing and software development lifecycle. This is because the art of “Test Environment Management” (or TEM) is still an area of significant confusion. Learn more in this post written by Erik Dietrich, Ukpai Ugochi, and Jane Temov and modified by Eric Goebelbecker on Enov8’s blog.

Serverless for Dummies

Serverless computing is a cloud architecture where you don’t have to worry about buying, building, provisioning, or maintaining servers. In return for structuring your code around their APIs, your cloud provider takes care of that for you. Let’s go over some of the more common serverless computing offerings in this post from Eric Goebelbecker on Enov8’s blog.

How to Use the Google Calendar API With JavaScript

The Google Calendar API provides powerful functionality to create a wide variety of applications. Using the API, you can build calendar clients and applications that can register and make changes to calendars and view, update, and delete events. Google Calendar API has several features that can help anyone use it to their advantage. It is the mark of an excellent programmer to know how to use this API effectively. This blog post looks at how to use the API and, hopefully, offers a few ideas about using it to your advantage. Before we take a deep dive into the integration, let’s take a closer look at the Google Calendar API. Learn more from Keshav Malik on Fusebit’s blog.