Test Environments – The Tracks for Agile Release Trains
An Agile Release Train (or Enterprise Release Management) methodology is better than the alternative chaos of different project teams running off in different directions. This approach leads to competition for shared resources, misaligned priorities, and delays due to mismanaged dependencies & relationships with other teams. If implemented correctly, ART will help IT deliver on business transformations as quickly and safely as possible and deliver timely solutions into production and to the end customers. Find out more from Niall Crawford, Justin Reynolds, and Eric Goebelbecker on Enov8’s blog.
What Is Data Masking and How Do We Do It?
With the cost of data breaches increasing every year, there’s a need for higher security standards. According to IBM’s 2021 security report, the average total cost of a data breach has risen to $4.24 million per breach. It’s no wonder why we need more advanced techniques to protect sensitive data. One of those techniques is data masking. In this post written by Michiel Mulders and modified by Eric Goebelbecker, you can learn the pros and cons of data masking and see some techniques you can use to mask data. Let’s start with a detailed introduction to data masking on Enov8’s blog.
Test Environments: Why You Need One and How to Set It Up
With the rise of agile development methodologies, the need to quickly test new features is more critical than ever. This is especially true for websites and applications that rely on real-time data and interaction. The only way to ensure that new functionalities work as expected is to test them in a controlled environment. A testing environment is like a lab for testing the effects of different elements on the end-user. This post from Keshav Malik on Enov8’s blog looks at different aspects of test environments.
DevOps vs. DevSecOps: What They Are and How They Differ
DevOps and DevSecOps are two strategies businesses use to achieve agile software development and streamline software pipelines. While DevOps and DevSecOps sound similar, there are some essential differences. In this post from Justin Reynolds on Solarwinds’ blog, you can find out what those differences are. Let’s dig in and see how they stack up.
How to Use the Gmail API in Node.js – A Step-by-Step Tutorial
Ever wonder if there is a more interesting way of using Gmail without even opening your Gmail account? It’s possible via the Gmail APIs, which offer tons of useful features. Some of the popular ones include creating an email draft, updating an email draft, sending emails, managing email threads, and searching messages. So in this post on Fusebit’s blog, Siddhant Varma walks you through step-by-step how to start using the Gmail API in Node.js.
Create Your First Node.js GitHub Action, a How-To Guide
GitHub Actions are becoming more and more popular. They are simple to use yet offer a lot of capabilities. Starting with GitHub Actions is relatively easy, and GitHub can even automatically recommend templates based on what’s in your repository. In this post from Dawid Ziolkowski on Fusebit’s blog, you’ll learn how to create your first Node.js GitHub Action.