Why You Should Monitor Your E-Commerce and How to Start

As more people look to the internet to make purchasing more convenient, online sales will become even more critical to businesses. What does this mean if you’re a seller? Unlike your local neighborhood storefront, you’re competing against storefronts across the globe for your customer’s attention and money. When the playing field is this competitive, ensuring your storefront smoothly handles incoming customers shouldn’t be left to chance. This is where monitoring tools come in. In this post from John Pereira on Solarwinds’ pingdom blog, you can learn the importance of monitoring your e-commerce website and the capabilities it should have.

What Is Cloud Monitoring?

Cloud monitoring provides key metrics such as average response time, error rates, request rate, and downtime to measure the performance of cloud-hosted platforms.Cloud monitoring also enables effective troubleshooting, so businesses can run smoothly. It’s easier to scale applications when information about usage, capacity, and other key metrics is available. Cloud monitoring is essential to ensure a smooth workflow within IT paradigms, and the following section will address what cloud monitoring entails, its capabilities, and key features. Learn all about cloud monitoring from Zulaikha Greer on Solarwinds’ blog.

Lua Command Injection: Examples and Prevention

When you embed a programming language, however trivial or simple, you add a new attack vector. It gives your users the ability to make your code do things you might not expect. Even with careful design and planning, scripting languages can become powerful weapons. For example, Lua has access to the system interface baked in. So, we’ve seen more than a few examples of Lua command injection attacks. This post from Eric Goebelbecker on Stackhawk’s blog will cover the Lua language, command injection, and an example of Lua command injection in the wild. We’ll wrap up with how you can protect yourself from this type of attack.

NodeJS XML External Entities Guide: Examples and Prevention

Using markup languages like XML and JSON is pretty standard practice on the web. With these technologies, managing and delivering both human-readable and machine-readable data is extremely simple and transparent. Therefore, it’s common to find it on websites and platforms. However, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks and vulnerabilities that you might bring to your platform by misusing technologies like XML. One such vulnerability is XML External Entities. And in this article on Stackhawk’s blog, Juan Reyes addresses what they are, show you how to spot the vulnerabilities, and demonstrate how to protect your NodeJS applications against them.

Lua XSS: Examples and Prevention

Lua is a popular scripting language that’s powerful in the hands of a seasoned developer. But it’s very easy for a novice programmer to learn Lua while wielding a great deal of power. Unfortunately, that combination can lead to severe problems like vulnerabilities to cross-site scripting attacks (XSS) in web applications. This post from Eric Goebelbecker lets you look at how Lua XSS attacks work and how you can detect and prevent them. Check it on Stackhawk’s blog.

Rails XML External Entities Guide: Examples and Prevention

This article will address the subject of XML External Entities. It’ll briefly define what XML External Entities are, show you how to spot them, and demonstrate how to protect Ruby on Rails applications against this vulnerability. Additionally, it will examine the common errors you might encounter while implementing mitigation tactics and help you address them accordingly. Learn more in this post from Juan Reyes on Stackhawk’s blog.

Lua SQL Injection Guide: Examples and Prevention

Lua is a language that has possible applications in almost every task. Lua is a multiplatform scripting language while also being a compiled language; it’s also relatively fast and lightweight. This helps with its growing roots in embedded systems development. As Lua is fast, small, and low-power consuming, it’s a ticket you must have in this area. However, the growing popularity of Lua makes it a target for potential cyberattacks, especially when attackers target embedded devices. This post from Daniele Comi on Stackhawk’s blog will explore how vulnerable Lua applications are to a web attack called SQL injection.

What Is a Development Environment? How to Get Started Now

When it comes to environments, there’s not much mystery about production: that’s where the real application lives and users can access it. The trouble is with the other environments: development, staging, QA, pre-prod…There seems to be no shortage of new ones. This post is part of a series that will tackle the main environments used in the software development life cycle, and today we’ll cover the development environment. Check it out in this post from Carlos Schults on Plutora’s blog.

Vehicle Inspection Reports: What to Look for and Where to Find Them

We also updated a couple of posts this week, like this one on vehicle inspection reports. If you’re a logistics provider and you own a fleet, you know that vehicle inspections are part of your routine. And for each vehicle inspection, you receive a report. Specifically the driver vehicle inspection report. As such, this post on Vector’s blog will take you on a ride through typical vehicle inspection reports. If you’ve never paid attention to that document, today is the day you’ll learn all about them. Get ready, set, go!

How to Put Quality in the Build With Jenkins Test Automation

Finally, we updated this post on Jenkins test automation. You probably already have Jenkins running to automate the build process of your applications. However, you might be aware that to increase quality in your build process, you need to include testing. So, in this post on Testim’s blog, you can learn why automated testing is so crucial in continuous integration (CI) pipelines.