How to Schedule a Jenkins Job: A Simple Guide

When your team starts using Jenkins, you’ll see how quickly the game changes. Instead of sharing a “build PC” or ensuring everyone uses the same build tools and environment, you’ll only need to share a single system that runs your builds and publishes the results. But Jenkins is more than just a shared build server. It gives you the ability to respond to events like a commit to source control—and in addition to responding to events, you can also schedule jobs. In this post from Eric Goebelbecker on CloudBees’ blog, we’ll show you how to schedule Jenkins jobs and we’ll review some specific scenarios.

What Is the Difference Between Jest and Enzyme?

We also updated a post this week on Jest and Enzyme. You probably already have a plan for testing your server’s code. That’s great! But it’s just as important that you to test your application’s UI, too. If you’re like me, the loads of different testing options for UI testing is overwhelming. Tools like Jest, Mocha and Enzyme all aim to provide real gains in testing your application. But they can be difficult to tell apart. How do you know which tools are worth your time, and which ones will just slow you down? Find the answer to this question on Testim’s blog.