Golang CSRF Protection Guide: Examples and How to Enable It
Go is a language created inside Google’s ranks for memory safety and concurrency. It made sense for development instances running (or developed) across distributed nodes as microservices were taking form. The term Golang refers to Go with “lang” specifying that we’re referencing the programming language. The official website for the language made “Golang” a popular alias. All this, however, doesn’t sanitize Go from Golang CSRF. This post will take you through some Golang CSRF vulnerabilities and guide you toward solutions with real-life code examples. Learn more from Taurai Mutimutema on Stackhawk’s blog.
The What and How of Software Deployment Pipelines
Every software team needs to deploy software. It’s a pretty important part of the software development life cycle! If your users can’t get access to the new software you write, they can’t very well use it, can they? For a long time, deploying new software meant manually transferring new code onto running servers, all while updating required software packages and configuration files by hand. While bespoke code deployment is still an option for most teams, it’s a pretty inefficient way to roll out new code. This is why teams from every size organization choose to develop automated deployment pipelines. If you’re thinking about developing an automated deployment pipeline, you’ve come to the right place. Check out this post from Eric Boersma on Plutora’s blog.
Should I Still Use Kotlin AsyncTask in 2021? Pros and Cons
AsyncTask is an Android API that handles asynchronous jobs. To put this another way, AsyncTask provides a mechanism for handling background jobs. Some processes in an app might be too heavy or involve waiting for responses. It’s not recommended to execute such processes on the main UI thread as it can cause the UI thread to pause until a response is returned. And that’s where AsyncTask comes in with its doInBackground() method. Should you still be using Kotlin AsynTask in 2021? Pius Aboyi might help answer that question on Waldo’s blog.
The Flutter Visibility Widget: Show and Hide Content
When designing user experiences for your app, you may decide to show or hide widgets as conditions change in the app, such as in response to user actions or to adapt to available space on the screen.Consider a calculator app, for example. If the calculator is in portrait orientation, then the advanced scientific keys may not be visible, but if it’s in landscape orientation, then all the scientific keys can be visible. Showing and hiding widgets could also be useful when designing a data visualization user interface, where you can selectively hide a component, such as a pie chart segment. Flutter provides a widget named Visibility to enable these types of user experiences. Find out more about it from Daliso Zuze on Waldo’s blog.
Node.js Unit Testing: Get Started Quickly With Examples
We also updated a post on Node.js. Unit testing is important to verify the behavior of the smallest units of code in your application. It helps improve the quality of your code and reduces the amount of time and money you spend on bug fixing. Moreover, unit testing helps you find bugs early on in the development life cycle and increases your confidence in the code. In this post, we’ll show you how to get started with Node.js unit testing in practice, with examples. Think of this post as a “hello world” for unit testing in Node.js. Check it out on Testim’s blog.