Website Performance Monitoring Ultimate Guide

Websites have become a very important part of almost every business. They increase the reach of your business to a wider audience because anybody with an internet connection can access it. When the reach of your website is so long, there’s no room for anything that could leave a negative impression. Along with the kind of product or service your organization provides, features, and price, your website performance leaves a lasting impression on customers and potential customers. This blog post will provide an end-to-end explanation of web performance monitoring by explaining what it is, why you need it, and how to go about it. Check it out in this post from Omkar Hiremath on DNS Stuff’s blog.

How to Upload and Download a File Using Selenium

Selenium is one of the most—if not the most—popular names for browser automation tools. And even though you can use its automation power for any purpose you like, most people use this tool to test web applications. We’ve published many posts about Selenium. Today, we add another one to the list by teaching how to upload and download files to websites using the tool. We’ll start with a brief definition of Selenium, covering the three main versions in which you can find it. Then, we get to the main part of the post, where we’ll cover how you can upload and download files using Selenium, in that order. Learn all about it on Testim’s blog. 

Selenium ExpectedConditions: How to Wait in Your Test

Selenium is one of the most prominent choices when people need a test automation tool. Well, strictly speaking, Selenium is a browser automation tool. But more often than not, people end up using the automation power of Selenium to perform complex end-to-end testing. When doing such tests, you often need to use wait commands. This post is all about a particular wait feature in Selenium, Selenium ExpectedConditions. Find out more on Testim’s blog.

The Best Test Environment Management Tools

Creating and provisioning test environments is often a challenge. Aside from the costs involved, the process itself is quite complex. You’ll often need to train employees or hire new ones. As a result, many organizations either don’t provision test environments or do a half-baked job. It’s even harder when companies don’t use the right management tools. So that’s what this post is about. I’ll give you an idea of what kind of test environment management (TEM) tools are out there so you can make an informed decision. Get filled in on Testim’s blog. 

6 Software Metrics Your Organization Should Track

No matter the line of work you’re in, one constant is that we’re increasingly using software to do work. More so now that a huge chunk of the working population does so remotely. This places a lot of business applications between operations and management. Along with the apps comes a yearning to know what work is due and how much is getting done daily. A thirst only quenched by software metrics. This post explores six such software metrics every manager should track. Check it out in this post from Taurai Mutimutema on Plutora’s blog.

The Modern SwiftUI Drag-And-Drop Tutorial

With the introduction of SwiftUI drag-and-drop functionalities to iOS 13.4 last year, the engineers at Cupertino made a bold statement to all developers: Bring modern and intuitive UI features to iPhones and iPads. For us developers, SwiftUI has made the process of implementation of this feature very approachable and straightforward. Nevertheless, if you haven’t had the opportunity to implement it yet—or you’re just exploring SwiftUI and want to learn about the feature—keep reading this post from Juan Reyes on Waldo blog. 

A Complete Guide to SwiftUI Alert

UI alerts are one of the most common views that developers use to get a specific interaction from the user. From confirmations to input, alerts enable the developer a lot of control to ensure that the user flow goes in a particular way. With SwiftUI, developers have found that implementing alerts has become even more accessible and straightforward than ever. However, if you’re just dipping your toes and have zero experience with the SwiftUI workflow, don’t worry. This article will take you from zero to hero. So, read along in this post from Juan Reyes on Waldo blog.

Flutter Checkbox Tutorial: How to Create and Use a Checkbox

Checkboxes are one of the most widely used UI components on mobile, desktop, and the web. Checkboxes are classic elements that originated on paper forms and have carried over into digital form. They are a very effective way to indicate yes/no values. You can expect to encounter checkboxes online in some form or another almost every day. Some examples of when you are likely to see checkboxes are when filling forms, accepting terms and conditions, using search filters, and customizing bookings, such as hotel amenities. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how checkboxes work in Flutter and how to define them. To apply our knowledge, we’ll build an example app that makes use of checkboxes. Learn more from Daliso Zuze on Waldo blog. 

An Android Developer’s Guide to Using Firebase With Kotlin

Firebase is a serverless or backend as a service (BaaS) solution from Google. What that means is, with firebase, you worry less about building a backend and focus more on building your mobile app. To further explain what Firebase is, let’s look at some of the services it provides.  With Firebase, you can add features like user authentication, database, file storage, notifications, and more to your app without managing a server. Get all the details about Firebase from Pius Aboyi on Waldo blog.

Businesses today are collecting massive amounts of data as they continue to aggressively roll out and advance digital transformation initiatives. At the same time, the vast amount of intelligence that organizations are collecting isn’t being put to use. In large part, this is because companies lack the ability to discover and act on it in a timely manner. Oftentimes, this is because data lives in multiple, disparate databases that lack interoperability.This is a big problem, especially when considering the need for data—and, more specifically, event data—in today’s business environment. Find out how to solve it from Justin Reynolds on Scalyr’s blog.

We also updated two posts this week, starting with this one on Log4net. What is log4net and why would you use it? Log4net is a logging utility for .NET applications. It’s based on log4j, which is for Java applications. Log4net is highly configurable, so you can use it in many scenarios. You can use it across many different types of apps and write to more than a dozen log destinations, from file to network. But because it’s so configurable, it can be a bit daunting to get things just right. This guide will walk you through the log4net configuration options. Find out more on Scalyr’s blog. 

What Is Shift Left Testing? A Guide to Improving Your QA

Finally, we updated a post on shift left testing. Have you ever experienced a software project that ran out of budget or time? You probably did. Believe it or not, incorrect planning often isn’t the root cause of a project running out of time. The real problem lies in the way the project validates the code. In other words, it all boils down to software testing. Or, more specifically, to software testing that is done too late in the project’s lifetime, and not frequently enough. Shift left testing is a proposed solution to this problem. Learn all about it on Testim’s blog.