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Isn’t keeping up with us better than keeping up with the Kardashians? Then stay tuned for this week’s digest from our authors.

Rails Logger and Rails Logging Best Practices

What should we know to get the most out of our logging? Sylvia Fronczak has the answer to that. She gives you a look at the Rails Logger and talks about some Rails logging best practices on Stackify’s blog.

Can We Give the Unit Testing is Dead Hot-Takes a Rest, Already?

Unit testing is dead? No, it’s not. Unit testing is perfectly fine, and if you’re not writing unit tests now, you need to get on board. Eric Goebelbecker explains why on NCrunch’s blog.

DevOps Interview Questions: How to Prepare

Christian Meléndez discusses some DevOps interview questions that you’ll probably get when interviewing for these types of roles. If you also want some guidance and tips so you’re prepared, go to Raygun’s blog.

DateTime.Now: Usage, Examples, Best Practices, and Pitfalls

In this post, you’ll learn about the DateTime.Now property—its pitfalls, best practices on how to use it, and a few alternatives. Hear more from Carlos Schults on SubMain’s blog.

How to Log to Console in PHP

Console Log is helpful and convenient for debugging frontend of web apps, but it uses Javascript. TJ Simmons shows you how to console log from within PHP. Check it out on Stackify’s blog.

Scalyr’s blog talked about OpenTracing and why it’s essential before. Now Eric Goebelbecker covers Jaeger tracing, an open-source tracing system for microservices in Scalyr’s most recent post.

Questions to Ask Your APM Provider Before You Buy

An APM solution is an important part of any organization’s toolset. But how do you find a product that’s a good fit? Jean Tunis provides some questions to ask on Raygun’s blog.

Agile vs. Waterfall: A Leadership Guide to Choosing in 2019

Last, Phil Vuollet discusses bottom line on agile vs. waterfall on Plutora‘s blog. Each model has its place in the complex world of software development. Both suffer from bottlenecks and contention.