Welcome to Hit Subscribe’s weekly digest post! When new posts from our authors pop on blogs, we’d like to start celebrating them and featuring their work here. So check out this week’s work below.
Best Practices and Tips for Django Logging
Django is a high-level web framework based on Python, and it encourages the rapid development of secure, scalable, and maintainable websites. It simplifies the creation of database-driven websites by emphasizing the reusability of components, low coupling, rapid development, and less code. Furthermore, it’s free and open-source. Curious to learn more? Daniel de Oliveira can give you the ins and outs on TEK-Tools’ blog.
Logging in Java – Best Practices and Tips
Robust application logging is central to any quality strategy. Unfortunately, many quality strategies fall short, implementing logging in a less than stellar way. Java application logging is no different. And since we’re talking about one of the most popular programming languages, investments in improving the overall Java logging strategy could pay off many dividends in the future. That’s why Carlos Schults wrote this to share what he’s learned about logging in Java and how to do it better. Check it out on Solarwinds’ blog.
HAProxy Logging Using Syslog
Many things can happen when a user lands on a website. There are even times when user requests don’t reach a server, potentially giving you a false positive saying everything is OK. Long gone are the days when a website used only one server. In today’s distributed world, there are many servers behind a load balancer distributing the website user load. So how can you know if everything’s running smoothly between your users and your servers? The logs emitted by load balancers and proxy servers like HAProxy give you a different perspective. Find out more from Christian Meléndez on Solarwinds’ blog.
The foundation of a comprehensive and well-implemented QA strategy is a sound testing approach. And a sound testing approach, in its turn, depends on having a proper test data management (TDM) process in place. TDM’s responsibilities include obtaining high-quality and high-volume test data in a timely manner. However, obtaining such data isn’t an easy process and might create prohibitive infrastructure costs and unforeseen challenges. This post is all about the solution: data subsetting. Carlos Schults can give you all of the details on DataOps’ blog.
A Getting-Started Guide to IT Project Management
The whole world is depending on IT today. Even non-IT industries like medicine, defense, and transportation are relying on IT to make their operations and tasks better, and the deliveries of their requirements happen as projects. Preserving the faith that the world has in IT is important. Hence, IT projects and their end products should be top-notch. To make sure this happens, IT projects should be properly overseen and managed through IT project management. This blog post is an introduction to the IT project management field. Learn more from Omkar Hiremath on Plutora’s blog.
Canary Deployments: What They Are and How to Use Them
Have you heard of canary deployments? Also called canary release, canary deployment is an important risk mitigation technique for software releases. Canary deployments allow software organizations not only to limit the damage caused by the release of a faulty software update but also to roll back that update quickly and easily. If your organization isn’t reaping the benefits of canary deployments, you should start ASAP. Canary deployments are essential for ensuring an organization’s ability to deploy high-quality software quickly and consistently. In the hyper-competitive world we live in, speed matters more than ever. But you probably have more questions about canary deployments. Get some answers from Carlos Schults on Plutora’s blog.
What is Business Intelligence? An IT Leader’s Complete Guide
Business intelligence is one of those domains that have a slightly different definition depending on who you talk to. End users might think about the reports and interfaces they see and work with. Creators will probably think of the processing steps that transform complex business data into information. And management often considers it as a method for improving efficiency, productivity, and decision-making. All three viewpoints are correct from the perspective of each stakeholder. However, they don’t quite get to the core of business intelligence. Learn more about business intelligence from Michael De Ridder on Plutora’s blog.
Cloud Data Warehouse: What Is It and What Are Some Examples?
In the twenty-first century, data is the new gold. Almost all (successful) companies rely on data to grow. Understanding and adapting to clients’ needs are the most direct ways to increase sales. The bigger the company, however, the more data that needs to be processed in order to have that understanding. That’s where data warehouse systems come into play. In this post, you’ll learn what exactly cloud data warehouses are and some examples of them. Check it out in this post from Dawid Ziolkowski on Scalyr’s blog.
Logging as a Service: Why the Cloud Is so Attractive
We also updated a post about logging this week. Imagine this: You have your services up and running in production. Then you get a call. Something’s broken in production. What’s the first thing you do? Where do you start so you can figure out if your services are in good working order? Logs. The logs are your connection to your services. They should tell you what’s going right and what’s going wrong. In this post, we’ll go over what logs are, why they matter, and most importantly, why you probably need a service to offload the burden of managing those logs. Learn more on Scalyr’s blog.