A Guide to Using XCTestCase for Tests
One of the most critical aspects of software development is testing. It helps to ensure that a software application works as expected and that any changes made to the code do not break existing functionality. One way to perform testing in iOS applications is by using the XCTest framework and the XCTestCase class. Find out more from Juan Reyes on Waldo’s blog.
Getting Started With SDWebImage
Image loading is always a challenge when it comes to web and mobile apps. Most of the internet works on API endpoints, and these endpoints also contain the image URL. When you have a lot of images, they should be loaded asynchronously and not block the main website or mobile app. These images should also be cached so that the mobile app can load them faster next time. To avoid all this code, we can use two popular image loading and caching libraries. One is Kingfisher, and the other is SDWebImage, which is the one we’ll dig into in this post from Nabendu Biswas on Waldo’s blog.
Getting Started With Tuist for Xcode
In this post from Nabendu Biswas on Waldo’s blog, we’re going to learn about an alternate way to create an iOS project. We’ve created a project through Xcode before in our earlier post about Alamofire. But now let’s learn about Tuist and the benefits of using it. First, we’ll generate a project using Tuist through the terminal. We’ll also add an external dependency of Alamofire in the project and use it. Then we’ll learn to generate a testing bundle more easily and do unit testing in the project.
Cypress Vs. WebdriverIO: A Comparison
It can sometimes be difficult to choose which tool your QA teams or testers should use for automation testing. In this post, we’re going to discuss two of the most popular automation testing frameworks: Cypress and WebdriverIO. And this post from Suleiman Abubakar Sadeeq on Waldo’s blog will cover topics like what each tool can provide, similarities and differences between both frameworks, and why you would choose one over the other.
Getting Started With Testing With Compose
In recent years, Android development has shifted significantly toward declarative UI frameworks, with Jetpack Compose being the latest addition to the ecosystem. Declarative UI frameworks offer control structures that programmers may utilize to alter how the system draws the user interface. Declaratively created user interfaces can employ these control structures to be more dynamic than the imperative frameworks commonly used for Android and IOS development. In this article from Juan Reyes on Waldo’s blog, we’ll cover some of the best practices and techniques for testing Jetpack Compose–based apps and how you can use these tools and techniques to ensure the quality and reliability of your app.
How to Use MBProgressHUD in Swift: A Guide
One of the most overlooked elements of standard mobile UI designs is the progress indicator, or HUD. This UI element is one of the most ubiquitous non-Apple UI elements in the market, and chances are that if you’re not an experienced iOS developer, you didn’t know it wasn’t a standard UI element that comes built in. The most popular progress indicator available is known as MBProgressHUD, and you can find it in a large portion of the iOS applications available in the app store. MBProgressHUD is a popular open-source library for displaying progress indicators on iOS and macOS applications. It’s easy to use and provides a simple way to show progress or activity to the user. Find out more about MBProgressHUD from Juan Reyes on Waldo’s blog.