What Is APM? The Definitive Guide With Examples
APM is the practice of monitoring the performance of applications to ensure they are working correctly and meeting user expectations. In addition, APM aims to identify and diagnose application performance problems, such as slow response times or errors. This post from Steven Lohrenz on Waldo’s blog will cover what APM is, how it differs from network performance monitoring (NPM), what performance issues APM identifies, and how to perform APM, as well as some APM tools.
API Sprawl: What It Is and Why You Should Care
When people think of software architecture, they often picture layers of code. But in recent years, there’s been a shift from this model—known as the monolithic approach—toward a more modular development style. This new approach, known as microservices, has given rise to a phenomenon known as API sprawl. This blog post from Steven Lohrenz on Traceable’s blog will explain what API sprawl is, the factors causing its growth, its consequences, how to identify it, and the benefits of having a well-managed policy.
The Definitive Guide to Development Environments
Any tech product, website, or mobile application goes through various environments before deployment. The standard environment structure includes local development, testing, staging, production, and the live environment. However, this structure is not always the same; it can consist of more or fewer environments according to the need and product development processes. The development environment helps developers build, test, and package the code to make it ready for deployment. In this article from Gourav Bais on Loft blog, you’ll learn about the development environment, how a development environment works, types of development environments, and best practices to follow while working in a development environment.
What Does It Mean to Scale a Deployment?
At its core, the very point of Kubernetes is to manage deployments. I say “manage” because it’s not only about running the deployments but also constantly checking if they’re still running and are according to the specification. Kubernetes is really good at that. It can automatically detect which node in your cluster is the best to run a deployment, and in case of a node failure, it’ll automatically respawn your pod on another node. In this post from Dawid Ziolkowski on Loft blog, you’ll learn all about how to scale Kubernetes deployments with Kubectl scale deployment.
What to Do When Android Studio Is Not Recognizing a Device
Debugging your Android Studio projects using a real device comes with many advantages. One such advantage is that a real device will run faster on a low-end computer than an emulator. Also, the process of using a real device can be as simple as just connecting the device to your computer via a USB cable.
A common issue with using a real device with Android Studio is the case of Android Studio not recognizing the device. In this post from Pius Aboyi on Waldo’s blog, you’ll learn what you should do when this issue occurs.
What Computer Specs Are Important for Mobile App Development?
As a mobile app developer, you likely know that one of the most important things to have is a high-end working personal computer (PC) with great specs that will make your work productive and effective. This is because the days of software with light functionality used for the development of our apps are long gone. Software is now provided with many features so that you can get the most out of building mobile apps. As a result, you need a PC with high performance. In this post from Ibrahim Ogunbiyi on Waldo’s blog, you’ll look at the most important computer specs for mobile app development.