How to Implement GitHub OAuth in Your Node.js App
OAuth is a standard protocol used for authorization. Nowadays, OAuth is primarily used by every website to allow a user to access their resources by using a third-party login. For example, you can log in with Google, Facebook (Meta), GitHub, etc.C urrently, we’re talking about GitHub and trying to get better insight into what, why, and how you can implement it into your Node.js application.
This post from Harshil Parmar on Fusebit’s blog will discuss implementing GitHub OAuth in your Node.js app.
Discord OAuth: How to Add the Discord API to a Node.js App
Today, Discord is one of the most popular social platforms for developers. But besides the platform itself, Discord allows developers to build integrations on top of it. For instance, you can build your own Discord bot from scratch. This can be really helpful if you’re hosting a developer community on Discord, or if you want to notify your users of something when an action occurs in your app.
Similarly, Discord offers a bunch of REST APIs that you can interact with. You can even let your users authenticate in your app via their Discord account using OAuth. But how do you use Discord OAuth in your application? Or how do you get an OAuth token from Discord API?
In this tutorial on Fusebit’s blog, Siddhant Varma goes over step by step how to use the Discord API and integrate Discord OAuth into your Node.js application.
QuickBooks OAuth: How to Set up the Online Accounting API in Your Web App
Authorization and security are critical components of any web application, especially when that app handled financial data. OAuth is the industry-standard protocol for provisioning access to application resources. So, it’s no surprise that Intuit uses it for their QuickBooks applications.
In this tutorial from Eric Goebelbecker on Fusebit’s blog, you’ll learn how to connect to QuickBooks OAuth with a Node.js application.
Using OAuth Providers With Microsoft Teams
Microsoft’s Teams is a powerful enterprise messaging and collaboration tool. It’s useful for staying in touch with colleagues and conducting meetings. But it’s also positioned as a workplace hub where users work with documents and third-party applications like Jira, Trello, HubSpot, and Salesforce. How do these applications interact? Are their connections secure?
You can learn how OAuth makes connecting Microsoft Teams to external applications safe and secure, and how you can use it for your application and your Teams instances in this post from Eric Goebelbecker on Fusebit’s blog.